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Ageing better?

By 2024 more than one in four of us will be over 60.

Our longer lives are one of society’s greatest achievements, representing a huge opportunity. But changes are needed so more people can enjoy good health, are socially and professionally connected and have a purpose in later life.

Alliance Manchester Business School will explore this theme with two key events in January and February 2018.

5.15pm, 31 January 2018, Alliance MBS East
Anna Dixon, Chief Executive, Centre for Ageing Better
The opportunities of an ageing society: looking beyond the challenges

We are living much longer than our parents’ and grandparents’ generations. The prospect of a 100 year life should be seen as an opportunity. And yet the prevailing narrative is one dominated by concerns about rising pensions and health care costs and later life is depicted as a time of decline and misery.

In our annual Grigor McClelland lecture Anna Dixon will argue that we need to recognise the opportunities of longer lives and the contribution that people in later life can and do make as workers, consumers, carers and volunteers. She will discuss some of the changes that are needed in society to enable more people to enjoy later life.

5.15pm, 15 February 2018, Alliance MBS East
Vital Topics: A World Without Retirement?

From the ageing of the baby boomers to changes in government policies encouraging people to work longer – employers need to challenge stereotypes and stigmatisation of age to retain valuable older workers and create well-functioning age-diverse environments.

While most employers have not yet begun to address the need to maintain the training and skills of their ageing workforces, it’s obvious that all sectors will need to accommodate more mid-life workers and manage extending working lives beyond previously normal retirement ages. And education and health at work will be pivotal to productivity in the future.

A World without Retirement? will examine the key areas for employer intervention in the ageing workforce.

The panel discussion will be led by international experts in this field, Debbie Price, Professor of Social Gerontology and Chris Phillipson, Professor of Gerontology, The University of Manchester.


Vital Topics is supported by BNY Mellon