2018 WEI Annual Lecture
New Forms of Governance: Striving for Better Jobs and Public Services
- Event Time
- 24 May 15:00 - 24 May 17:00
- Event Location
- Alliance Manchester Business School, Booth Street East, M13 9SS
- Event Type
- Research workshops and seminars, Work and Equalities
New Forms of Governance: Striving for Better Jobs and Public Services
The 2018 WEI Annual Lecture, in partnership with the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) will take place on Thursday 24 May, 3-5pm, featuring two presentations:
Labour Management Collaboration for Better Healthcare and Better Jobs Professor
Rosemary Batt
The crisis in healthcare has led hospitals to shift from fee-for-service care to preventative care based on population health management. This shift requires healthcare systems to decentralize services to community-based clinics and outpatient care – leading to dramatic changes in the organization of work and the skills required of healthcare workers. This presentation draws on several innovative labor-management efforts to redesign jobs and pay through workforce retraining programmes and career ladders across occupations.
Professor Rosemary Batt is the Alice Hanson Cook Professor of Women and Work at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR), Cornell University. She is a Professor in Human Resource Studies and International and Comparative Labor. Her research focuses on comparative international studies of management and employment relations, with a focus on the impact of financialization on management and employment, the globalization and restructuring of service industries and its impact on low wage workers.
Empowering Communities for Shared Governance Professor
Ron Applegate
This presentation focuses on strategies to enable community organizations to share power in defining and implementing local development initiatives, and emphasizes innovative approaches for democratizing the development of workforce development and service provision. Drawing on the experience of Buffalo’s Partnership for the Public Good, a network of 280 community-based organizations working for the redevelopment of their de-industrialized region, it explores reframing of government programmes as well as the creation of new community-controlled programmes.
Professor Ron Applegate lectures in Labor Relations, Law and History at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR), Cornell University. His research interest in the theory and practice of economic development, with a particular emphasis on collective action to establish inclusive governance and generate equitable outcomes, is rooted in prior work experience coordinating community development programmes for the Coalition for a Better Acre and the Over-the-Rhine Housing Network.
This lecture will be followed by a drinks reception in the foyer of AMBS East.