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My exam and study insights

I want to share some reflections and insights on the study process that went into preparing for these tests, and as I approached the new year, I'd like to ask you to consider your assessment strategy for the upcoming year. 

To begin with, while many study advice is well-known, they are still valid. It only takes a few moments for your mind to tune in on their major point. So, why don't you give these "golden oldies" a shot?

1. Begin creating an outline as soon as possible. 

Outlining is a time-consuming process that doesn't mix well with revising efforts, regardless of your field of study. The sooner you finish your outlines, the sooner you'll have a solid foundation to learn from. The more time you have to prepare and revise once you have that basic material, the better. You get the picture – it's all about scheduling enough time to study for the examinations! In my instance, finishing my outlining work two months before the tests paid dividends, as I was able to study the essential subjects in greater depth and with greater attention as a result.

2. Have faith in your ability to make good notes

Note-taking is a major tool for both enhanced understanding and long-term memory. Have faith in your ability to make great notes for yourself, and rest assured that the University of Manchester professors provide enough information in the module guides on how to answer both essay and problem questions. You do not need to look this up for every course. On the contrary – you need to start developing your style in answering such questions!

3. Follow the module's instructions. 

It's best to stick to the recommended learning activity sequences in the module manuals. They have a good logic behind them, and that logic is the accumulation of information - from the fundamentals to the more advanced degrees. Don't get caught up in why you have to read a certain text or respond to certain questions. Concentrate on doing the task to the best of your skills. Attempt to finish and check off all activities. As a result, you'll begin studying for the tests in Chapter 1.

4. Develop an in-depth understanding 

The more knowledge you have, the faster you will be able to answer exam questions and the more complex your analysis will be. I discovered a direct link between knowledge depth and the capacity to stay inside the word limit. The reason for this is that being particular is easier. It's also easier to compare and contrast concepts across multiple module themes. This is a great approach to show that you understand the content well. Many first-class or upper second-class honours answers quoted in the exam reports were graded highly for pointing out similarities and differences, and not merely providing a descriptive response.

5. Organise your notes. 

Keeping my notes on the module guide, textbook, and additional readings separate worked best for me. This method isn't always intuitive, but it helped me better structure and internalise the knowledge. If you chose to follow it, you will discover that after you have learned each part, blending will come naturally. I have realised that taking digital notes is an excellent approach to prepare for the speed of typing required on exam day. 

Exam preparation and sitting are, in my opinion, also about learning how to learn. You can uncover the strategy that will ensure you are properly prepared while also earning you great grades through self-observation and honest analysis. All it takes is a little patience and a lot of willingness. I wish you the best of luck with your exams.

A student's notes on a tablet