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Cranking up a notch

Fortunately, and unfortunately, the hustle of the second semester kicked in before one’s mental gears get too cold and idle to function as it should. It wasn’t much of a subtle introduction this time, but rather an exclamation involving seas of coursework, deadlines and important decisions to make. Another horizon to catch!

Unequivocally, the second brawl exists on a higher plane of complexity as one is expected to juggle with the technical tools gained from the first semester to make meaningful and strategic business decisions. Also, not to mention the many technical add-ons built upon the foundations of the first semester available to you this semester depending on the electives that you’ve picked.

For this semester, I’ve picked platform ecosystem strategy, and business creation and development as my electives. These two subjects are actually extremely unique in its own way, with the former being an MBA elective, and the latter being offered by the one and only Masood Enterprise Centre of AMBS. If your interest lies in the theories, principles and strategies behind the explosion of Facebook users, or perhaps on how iOS and Andriod grew into the behemoth that they are today, platform ecosystem strategy is built for you. More of an application person? Business creation and development allows you to work with real non-hypothetical clients as a business consultant. You and your team will be expected to identify the pain points of your client, and work synergistically with the client to look for remedial solutions to such pain points. And of course, this subject demands your undivided commitment, hence, think thrice!

Bitterly, there isn’t a lot of leisure activities going on due to the lockdown. However, the bright side is that the miserable weather in Manchester is gradually improving as spring dawns. Sun’s out, cloud’s away and flowers’ blooming, pretty much sums up Manchester now.

flowers underneath university of manchester

Followed by some great news of the country’s Coronavirus cases falling tremendously and possible relaxation of restrictions soon, I can’t wait to see Manchester in her former glory. Most important of all, can’t wait to be in the mountains again! Here’s a view of the Dovestone Reservoir in Greenfield from Dovestone edge, taken during one of my past adventures to Black Chew Head – the highest point in Greater Manchester.

dovestone reservoir

That’s all for this month!