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Global Part-time MBA application process

If you think you've got what it takes to join our next cohort of MBAs, complete our simple online application form.

The application process is competitive and places are limited, so apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment. It is free to apply and we offer personal support and guidance throughout the process.

To apply, you need to complete the Global MBA application form, take an admissions test and submit your supporting documents. Our friendly admissions team can advise you through every stage of the admission process. We can also put you in contact with current MBA students and alumni ambassadors. If you have any questions during the application process, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Deadlines and key dates

  • Next intake: January 2025
  • Early application discount deadline (£4,000 discount): Monday 14 October 2024
  • Final application deadline: Friday 29 November 2024

For information on fees please click here and select the 'Fees & funding' tab >>

Please note the early application discount on this page relate to candidates enrolling through the UK centre (students from the UK, North America, South America, Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa). If you are based in Asia, the Middle East, North Africa or Australasia please contact your regional University of Manchester Worldwide centre to discuss fees: Dubai, Hong KongShanghaiSingapore.

Global Part-time MBA application process

Before starting your application please review the full entry requirements. Click here to view >>

  • Two work-related references
  • CV/résumé
  • Application essays
  • Degree / professional qualification documents
  • Proof of English competence

Before you apply, please read the 'Application documents: guidelines' section (below) for further details on what you need to supply for each element.

Create an account and complete the Global MBA application form. We will contact you when you start the application to provide support.

  • You will need to upload your CV/résumé to be able to submit your application.
  • You can prepare your essays offline and cut and paste them into the application form when you are ready.
  • You will be asked to include the contact details for your referees in the MBA application form. When your application has been submitted we will email your referees with a link to complete our official online MBA reference.
  • After submitting the form you will receive an automated receipt from Please save this email to your contacts to make sure you receive our messages about your application.

Click here to apply >>

Submit all the elements from the checklist below to your local admissions office.

Application documents checklist:

  • Two work-related references
  • CV/résumé
  • Application essays
  • Degree / professional qualification documents
  • Proof of English competency

Before you apply, please read the 'Application documents: guidelines' section (below) for further details on what you need to supply for each element.

All applicants must take an admissions test. You can choose to take the Manchester Admissions Test (MAT), GMAT® or GRE®. You can select which test you prefer when you complete the application form. We will not assess your MBA application until we have received your admissions test result.

Manchester Admissions Test (MAT)

Most Global MBA candidates take the Manchester Admissions Test (MAT), which is designed and delivered by Talent Q. The MAT is completed online and you can take it at your convenience in your home, office or anywhere with a good internet connection.

You will complete three short assessments (verbal, numerical and logical). They do not require preparation and take around 45 minutes to complete.

We will provide you with a login and password to take the test after you submit your MBA application. The invitation will come from Please save this email to your contacts so that the invitation does not get delivered to your junk email.


GMAT and GRE require dedicated preparation to optimise your performance and you will need to register to take the test on a particular date in an official test centre. If you have already completed the GMAT or GRE, please enter your scores in the application form. If you are intending to take GMAT or GRE, you will need to enter your intended test date in order to submit the MBA application.

How will we use your result in our admissions decision?

The admissions test is only one of our admission criteria. We take a holistic view when we evaluate candidates and consider the ‘person’ rather than a score. We place more emphasis on your professional, academic and personal achievements; and your leadership and team-working skills. A very good result does not necessarily give a better chance of admission and a less strong result does not mean you cannot be admitted.

We will review your application when it is complete, including your application form and documents, and Admissions Test. If successful you will be offered a place or invited for an interview. Decisions are made by the consensus of the MBA Admissions Committee.


Application documents: guidelines

  • You are required to submit two professional references and your application is not complete until they are received.
  • You will be asked to include the contact details for your referees in the MBA application form. When your application has been submitted we will email your referees to ask them to complete our official MBA reference.
  • We prefer one of your referees to be the person you report to in your current company. If you do not wish to inform your current employer that you are applying for the MBA you can use a referee from your previous company. We do not require academic references.

You will need to upload your CV/résumé to be able to submit your application. It is an important part of our assessment. Your CV/résumé should ideally be no more than two pages in length and should include the following information:

Professional experience

  • Each job you have taken since graduating from your undergraduate degree (if you have one) in reverse chronological order, starting with your current position.
  • Include the month/year start and end date, job title, company name and salary for each position undertaken.
  • If you have worked in more than one position for the same company please show each position separately to highlight your career progression.
  • For each position, include bullet points of your key responsibilities and achievements.

Academic credentials

  • Details of all your qualifications; including your Bachelor’s degree, any Master's degree, postgraduate diplomas/specialisations and professional qualifications.
  • Any academic distinctions, honours or awards.

Please complete the following two essay questions about your professional experience and career aspirations. You can prepare your essays offline and cut and paste them into the application form when you are ready.

Essay 1: Please describe your professional experience and career progression to date, including the dates of any promotions and salary increases (minimum 500 words)

We would like to learn about the companies you have worked for, the breadth and depth of the knowledge you have acquired in the workplace, your key achievements, your management and international business experiences and the impact you have made in your different roles.

Particularly highlight the parts of your career that demonstrate any of the following:

  • Managing people (team, business area, department, company)
  • Managing client relationships
  • Leading significant projects
  • Managing budgets, resources or processes
  • Defining/influencing strategy
  • International exposure
  • Entrepreneurial experience

Essay 2: Please address the following questions: (minimum 300 words)

  • What are your professional and personal aspirations and why is an MBA important in your plans?
  • Why have you chosen to apply for the Manchester MBA?
  • How do you think your current experience combined with the Manchester MBA will help you to achieve your aspirations?

Please submit a scanned copy of your official Bachelor’s degree transcript and certificate (or Master’s if you do not have a Bachelor’s). You will need to show us your original transcript/certificate when you register for the Full-time MBA programme. All documents must be submitted in English. If the original document is not in English please provide a translation from a certified translator.

Your transcript should show:

  • The type of degree awarded
  • Date of enrolment and date of graduation
  • The courses you took; the marks you achieved
  • Your final result, GPA or average grade
  • If your transcript states that you have successfully completed and graduated and includes your final result, you do not need to also provide a certificate. If you have graduated from a UK institution we only require a copy of your certificate showing your final result (e.g. second class upper).

We reserve the right to contact your degree awarding institutions and/or professional associations for further information in connection with your application if required.

Professional qualifications: certificates and memberships

A professional accountancy qualification is required to be considered for the Global Finance Accelerated MBA route. If you have a professional qualification, please submit:

  • A copy of your certificate proving you have the qualification
  • Proof of your membership of the professional body/organisation

Examples of professional accountancy qualifications:

  • ACA, FCA or CA (Chartered Accountant)
  • ACCA or FCCA (Chartered Certified Accountant)
  • ACMA or FCMA (Chartered Management Accountant)
  • CPFA (Chartered Public Finance Accountant
  • AAIA or FAIA (International Accountant)
  • AFA or FFA (Incorporated Financial Accountant)
  • AICPA or FCPA (Certified Public Accountant)
  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant).

We reserve the right to contact your professional associations for further information in connection with your application if required.

Candidates for the Global MBA are not automatically required to take an English Language test. If you have taken an English test please provide the details of your score in the application form and email a copy of your score report. English competence is assessed throughout the admissions process. Please see our entry requirements for more information >>


If you have any questions about the application process, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly team.

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