Your Stories

  • Learning about SPL

    "Looking back, I think things pretty much matched how I thought they would"

    What did you think being a father would be like before the birth of your first child?
    Hard! But perhaps I didn’t realize just how hard it would be. I was lucky that my own father was a good Dad, although he certainly was nowhere near as hands on as my Mum was. He didn’t change nappies, I’m told, and with his other grandchildren he’s the same. [...]

    • SPL not relevant to us

      "She attached immediately to my wife, and was less sure about me. Apparently babies often have that gendered pattern"

      What did you think being a father would be like before the arrival of your first child?
      We had to think a lot about what it would be like before we acquired our first child. Most children who are up for adoption in Britain are there because they were taken out of abusive or neglectful backgrounds that a judge ruled they couldn’t stay in, and that means they often arrive with a lot of problems and uncertainties. [...]